Getting Rid Of Axis Labels But Keeping Ticks

Yet another question I posed at GrADS mailing list: is it possible to draw only the axis ticks, without the numbers (labels)?

There were two solutions, both nice and clean. Choose the one that best fits your needs.

Solution 1: This is based on 'set ylabs' command. The general syntax is:

set ylabs lab1 | lab2 | lab3 | ... 

and it allows you to specify anything to be placed as labels. GrADS will then divide the axis range in equal spaces and draw the labels. So you don't want any labels? Just replace them by empty spaces:

ga-> set ylabs  |  |  |  

in this example GrADS will draw 4 tick marks because you give him 4 empty spaces (there are 3 separators)

Solution 2: This one is based on 'set ylab' command. The general syntax is:

set ylab on | off | auto | string 

and we will set the ylab with the string option. The trick is:

ga-> set ylab `3 `0 

setting ylab to a constant string which is empty. Note the accent grave for switching between the fonts.

Pages you should read:

set ylab
set ylabs

Page last modified on May 26, 2015, at 05:41 PM
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