Changing The Axis Title Offset

I don't know of a simple command to change the distance between an axis title and the axis itself.

What I do is, instead of using the GrADS default title commands (eg draw title or draw ylab), I typically set a string characteristic and draw the string explicitly. The disadvantage is that one has to use more than 1 line to accomplish drawing labels and the such:

set strsiz width <width>
set string color <justification <thickness <rotation>>>
draw string xpos ypos string

A more concret example:

ga-> set strsiz 0.14
ga-> set string 1 r 2 0
ga-> draw string 10.25 1.0 my_x_title
ga-> set string 1 r 2 90
ga-> draw string 0.2 7.25 my_y_title

Line1. Setting the string character size by changing the width

Line2. Choose a right justified white string with width 2 and no rotation

Line3. Draw X-axis title

Line4. The same as above, but rotate 90deg counterclockwise

Line5. Draw Y-axis title

GrADS pages you should read:

set strsiz
set string
draw string

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